Dear Lake Association Member:
An issue that will affect the water quality of our lake and the watershed is coming before the Leelanau County Commissioners. The Executive Board of Commissioners Meeting of the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, November 14 at 9:00 am in the Meeting Room of the Leelanau County Government Center in Suttons Bay, Michigan. The issue is whether or not to institute a county-wide Point of Sale (POS) Septic Inspection Ordinance. The ordinance would cover the properties that transfer ownership and would mandate that the Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department would be required to inspect the septic system. In the event that the system has failed or does not meet the requirements for proper functioning, it must be repaired or upgraded before the property title can be transferred
Even though no specific ordinance language is coming before the November commission meeting, it is imperative that we encourage the commission to take action to create a suitable POS ordinance that protects our lake and water shed. Benzie County has had a septic ordinance for the last 25 years, and it seems to be working fine.
The Lake Leelanau Lake Association and other lake associations in the county feel that the creation and implementation of a county wide septic ordinance is most crucial to protecting our watershed. Therefore, it is most important that you attend this meeting on November 14th and voice your support for this septic ordinance at public comment at the beginning or end of this meeting. If you cannot attend, then please call, write, or email your county commissioner and let them know how you feel about the protecting the quality of our lake now and in the future.
Dr. Nick Fleezanis – President
Excellent idea. Can’t be there but we will contact them prior to the meeting.
Cannot attend but will contact the commissioners.
I will try to attend. In the meantime, why not post contact info for commissioner(s)?