The Michigan Shoreland Stewardship Program has created an online survey that allows you to rate your shoreland and, in the process, get customized advice on how to make improvements to your property.

The survey asks questions related to management practices in each of the four zones of your shoreland property: Upland, Buffer, Shoreline, and Lake. It should take approximately 30 minutes. (The only preparation required is to know the basic dimensions of your property). Below each question is additional information to help you answer the questions as well as recommendations suggesting how you can potentially improve your management practices and rating. The survey results are private.
Please select the Lake Leelanau Lake Association when taking the survey; this will help us track participation rates. The survey can be taken anonymously, but we encourage you to register. By registering, your data will be saved so that you can return to the survey as many times as you like to access recommendations for your property and to update your responses as you make changes on your property that can improve your rating.
Visit and scroll down to the survey link.