Thanks to a host of generous donors, we have over 80 auction items for you to bid on, ranging from boating tours, one-of-a-kind art pieces, dining, lodging, sports, jewelry and exclusive services. Click here to browse the selection on our virtual auction webpage and watch our welcome video. When you’re ready to bid, click on the Get Started button and follow the instructions to register. Everyone who places at least one bid is also eligible for our door prize drawing which will take place when bids close at 8pm on Wednesday, April 14. Alternatively, if you’d like to make a cash donation, simply click on the Donate Now button on our auction webpage and follow the instructions to pay with your credit card. If you do, it will count double thanks to several generous donors who’ve pledged to match all cash donations up to a total of $13,000. Finally, we’d like to thank our generous sponsors whose financial support is indispensable to our fundraiser.
Gold: The Lipner Family
Silver: Biggs Construction, Lake Leelanau RV Park, Manitou Marine, Tom and Diane Pelak, PlayNorth WaterSports, Tim Schaub at Schaub Team Premier Realty, Dale & Lyn Watkowski, Joan & Randy Woods
Bronze: Amoritas Vineyards, Dream Kitchen & Bath Inc., Marty Easling, Isagenix, Kal Excavating, Lucy Lambert, Judy Levin Realtor, Pete & Lisa Miller, Northern Building Supply, Lisa Siddall DDS