The Lake Leelanau Lake Association (LLLA) has grown in the past few years, and so has its need for volunteers. Right now we are looking to fill the following assignments:

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the activities below, please fill out our volunteer interest form. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].

Volunteer Opportunities

Zoning for Water Quality Representatives

Build long-term relationships with local townships to ensure LLLA provides guidance on zoning to protect our water quality

Needed: Individuals that live in Suttons Bay, Bingham, and SolonTownships (1-2 individuals per township)

When: ~4 hours per month, year-round for meetings, some additional time for document review/education


  1. Attend Planning Commission meetings
  2. Attend LLLA subcommittee meetings
  3. Become versed on water-related zoning topics

Skill sets preferred:

  1. Good communicator
  2. Commitment to building long term relationships
  3. Interest in participating in local government
  4. Willingness to learn subject matter

Shoreline Ambassadors

Consulting with property owners on Lake Leelanau to identify changes in land use practices that can help protect the lake

Needed: Unlimited volunteers

When: Consultations primarily in the spring, summer, fall. Subcommittee meetings, year-round


  1. Complete Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership Shoreline Ambassador training (~10-15 hours)
  2. Attend monthly or bimonthly Shoreline Stewards Subcommittee meetings
  3. Availability for 5 shoreline consultations (~1 hour each)

Skill sets preferred:

  1. Interest in landscaping and land-use practices to protect water quality
  2. Communication skills to relay technical concepts to non-technical people
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