Since joining this organization and becoming communications chair over two years ago I have been pleased to make new friends and eager to help spread the word of all the good work done by LLLA. Today, however, I am writing to let you know that, due to increased outside commitments, I will need to pass the baton to someone else. As we move forward with finding a replacement, I will be involved in helping make the transition easier.
The communications chair needs to be conversant with WordPress and needs to know how to edit and put together a newsletter. Duties include maintaining the LLLA website and Facebook site, as well as writing and soliciting articles for the quarterly newsletter and website. As stated, editing skills are a must, as well as general knowledge of photo editing and online engagement.
If you are willing and able to take on this job, or if you know of someone who is willing and able, please let us know. You can reply to [email protected] or [email protected]. This is a fine organization, with wonderful people. I hope you can get involved.
In other news, I want to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to visit our site at, and subscribe to our newsletter, so that you never miss a post. Also, we have a Facebook site, which is slightly different, slightly more fun. We would love it if you go there and like us and follow us. That helps promote our organization, and it’s not hard.
Mark Smith, Communications Chair