The Lake Leelanau Lake Association (LLLA) represents the interests of Lake Lake Leelanau shoreline property owners (riparians) and everyone else concerned with the well-being of Lake Leelanau and its watershed. Founded in 1980 and incorporated as a nonprofit (501c) organization in 2003, the LLLA claims many hundreds of dues-paying members. Many of us volunteer on committees and in a variety of other capacities to address issues such as swimmers itch, invasive species, wetlands preservation, zoning, water quality, and watercraft safety.

The Lake Association encourages partnerships with other organizations. As an example, the Fishing Committee regularly meets with and helps the Fisheries Division of the DNR on fish planting and management issues. In the past the Committee has installed “Christmas tree shelters” in the lake to provide cover for small fish; assisted the DNR in planting brown trout, lake trout, walleye and whitefish in Lake Leelanau; and has purchased and planted bluegills in Lake Leelanau.

In close collaboration with the Leelanau Conservancy and other Leelanau County lake associations, the LLLA participates in the Leelanau Watershed Council. Since 1990, volunteers have aided in the process of gathering data on the physical and chemical properties of the Lake Leelanau watershed.

In the past, Lake Association members joined efforts headed by the Leelanau Conservancy to reduce the incidence of swimmer’s itch in the lake. The Lake Association renewed these efforts in 2009 by making swimmer’s itch a priority.

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