What’s in This Issue
This month’s issue features the full-year report of our 2020 Eurasian Water Milfoil control activities, with lots of technical details and graphics, and the second in our series of articles on Aquatic Invasive Species. It also includes two reminders – one about the IRS’ special 2020 tax treatment for charitable donations, and the other about sending us your favorite Lake Leelanau winter photos, for potential inclusion as ebulletin headers. Click here to read the pdf version. We hope you find this ebulletin timely and informative and welcome all and any feedback. If you have any comments, please send them to [email protected]
EWM Field Activities – 2020 Report
This comprehensive report by LLLA Lake Biologist Brian Price and Dan Mays, Inland Policy Biologist of the Grand Traverse Band, describes the Eurasian Water Milfoil control techniques and results developed and implemented in Lake Leelanau throughout 2020. The 23-page report includes photos, maps and a description of each of the EWM sites identified and treated. Click here to read all the details of our 2020 activities in this multi-year lake preservation project.
Aquatic Invasive Species
Read this second of a series of articles about the impact and prevention of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), that pose an ongoing threat to our lake’s environment, economy, recreation, health and safety. This article, which focuses on ways to minimize the introduction and spread of AIS, was contributed by Nancy Popa, Board Director and member of our Lake Stewardship Committee.
CARES Act Special Tax Deduction Through December 31
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, enacted last spring, includes several temporary tax changes aimed to help charities, including a special $300 deduction designed especially for people who choose to take the standard deduction, rather than itemizing their deductions (click here for details). If you’d like to take advantage of this deduction to renew your membership or make a one- time, year-end gift to Lake Leelanau, click on this link to make a donation online or send us a check in the mail.
Send Us Your Photos and See Them Featured in an ebulletin Header
Winter scenes of Lake Leelanau are a photographer’s delight. If you like to take photos that showcase Lake Leelanau’s natural beauty, wildlife or vegetation, send copies of your winter favorites to [email protected]. We can’t promise that every photo submitted will be selected, but our editors will delight in seeing your contributions and make selections which match the contents of each ebulletin. We will, of course, recognize every photographer whose work is featured in an ebulletin header.
Year-end Message
As we put the challenges and successes of 2020 behind us, LLLA’s Board would like to thank all our volunteers and donors for their generous gifts of time, talent and financial support in 2020. We wish you and your families a safe and joy-filled holiday season, and brighter days in 2021.
Help Your Friends and Neighbors Stay Informed
Do you have friends or neighbors who care about the quality and beauty of Lake Leelanau but don’t receive our ebulletins? If so, please forward this ebulletin to them and all they have to do is reply with their name to [email protected]. We’ll take care of adding them to our mailing list for future issues.
Lake Leelanau Lake Association is a non-profit organization led by and for individuals, families and businesses who support its mission to protect and enhance the quality and beauty of Lake Leelanau and its surrounding watershed for current and future generations. If you would like to make a donation to support our programs, you can do so here on our website. If you would like to help our programs as a volunteer, send a message to [email protected]