November ebulletin

What’s in This Issue

This month’s issue brings new insights into Lake Leelanau’s Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) infestation in the form of a report by Annalise Povolo, our expert summer diver, as well as the first of a series of articles on the threat of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). It also features reminders about our President’s year-end appeal, the opportunity to buy prints of the aerial photo that graces our 2020 Handbook cover, and an update on getting your own copy of the 2020 Handbook. Click here to read the pdf version. We hope you find this ebulletin timely and informative and welcome all and any feedback. If you have any comments, please send them to [email protected]

A Summer Under Water

During our 2020 campaign to combat EWM, we were fortunate to count on the diving skills of Leelanau County native Annalise Povolo, who is studying for her International M.Sc in Tropical Aquatic Ecology at the University of Bremen in Germany. Annalise took the underwater video footage which was shown during our July 23 Annual Meeting and provided invaluable underwater field intelligence throughout the season to our lake biologist, Brian Price. Click here to read Annalise’s fascinating first-hand report of what she found under the surface of Lake Leelanau.

Aquatic Invasive Species

Aquatic invasive species (AIS) pose an ongoing threat to the environment, economy, recreation and human health and safety. These species are a direct driver of biodiversity loss, yet also hinder economic development, serve as vectors of disease, decrease the aesthetic value of nature, and prevent recreational activities. Read this first of a series of articles explaining the impact and prevention of AIS by Nancy Popa, Board Director and member of our Lake Stewardship Committee.

Year-End Appeal

Our grateful thanks go to the many of you who have already donated generously in response to last month’s appeal by our President, Tom Hiatt. If you’d still like to make a one-time, year-end gift to the only organization dedicated to preserving the pristine waters of Lake Leelanau for generations to come, click on this link to make a donation online or send us a check in the mail.

2020 Handbook Cover Photo Prints

Prints of the stunning aerial photo which graces our 2020 Handbook cover are still available from professional photographer Jim Anderson, who has generously agreed to donate 10% of the proceeds from sales of the prints to LLLA. You can place your orders directly with Jim at [email protected] or 231-409-7149.

2020 Lake Leelanau Handbook

Copies of the 2020 Lake Leelanau Lake Association Handbook are still available for in-person pick-up the local businesses listed below, in exchange for a copy of the email or postcard notifications which we sent out in September. Be sure to call ahead for winter hours. Click here for detailed instructions on how to pick up your copy, or have it mailed to you.
Leelanau Books 109 N. Main Street Leland

(231) 256-7111

Leelanau Enterprise 7200 E Duck Lake Rd Lake Leelanau

(231) 256-9827

Boathouse Vineyards

115 St Mary's St Lake Leelanau

(231) 256-7115

Help Your Friends and Neighbors Stay Informed

Do you have friends or neighbors who care about the quality and beauty of Lake Leelanau but don’t receive our ebulletins? If so, please forward this ebulletin to them and all they have to do is reply with their name to [email protected]. We’ll take care of adding them to our mailing list for future issues.

Lake Leelanau Lake Association is a non-profit organization led by and for individuals, families and businesses who support its mission to protect and enhance the quality and beauty of Lake Leelanau and its surrounding watershed for current and future generations. If you would like to make a donation to support our programs, you can do so here on our website. If you would like to help our programs as a volunteer, send a message to [email protected]

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