For all you Ernie Harwell fans out there, I’m sharing this wonderful audio tribute, (click below to “read more”) starting at approx. 3:25. Well worth a listen. For me, the voice of Ernie Harwell was the voice of summer itself. It’s just that simple.
Ernie always started the season with this reading from The Song of Solomon:
For, lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of the singing of birds is come,
And the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
And whether there were still snowbanks caked with dirt, and icy puddles where the grass ought to be, we knew, we knew that Spring would not be held back. The voice of the turtle is heard in our land!
What are your Ernie memories? Ah.. so many… picnics, hammocks, car rides, boats, the beach, Tiger Stadium .. “and a man from Petoskey, Michigan caught that ball!” Ernie Harwell was the voice of summer.
Click here to listen to the audio tribute. Or go to: