I encourage everyone to have a look at a new publication entitled Protecting Michigan’s Inland Lakes: A Toolkit for Local Governments, from Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Inc. This comprehensive guide for successfully navigating the myriad of local township rules and regulations is an invaluable resource. Also important is the “sister publication” of the Toolkit, Protecting Michigan’s Inland Lakes: A Guide for Local Governments, which is admittedly quite confusing due to the similarity of the titles. Nevertheless, these are wonderful documents and very clearly laid out.
Also available for purchase is a new book Michigan Lake Associations – The Nuts and Bolts, which bills itself as “a well-written, easily understood manual, which includes everything you ever wanted to know about Michigan lake associations.”
This issue is also explored in the current issue of Michigan Riparian magazine, which is well worth a subscription too. As quoted in the magazine, “The most successful lake associations are those that proactively work to build, promote, and sustain a strong sense of community pride.”
Time to educate ourselves!
This is a great resource. Thanks, Mark, for researching and posting.