Calling all Centerville Riparians

I am passing on this message from Tim Johnson, Chair of the Centerville Township Planning Commission (PC).  Tim informs us of the passing of long time board member Gerry Laskey, who will be greatly missed.

The Township Board will be soliciting Centerville Township residents to fill the vacancy.  Their PC bylaws state that they should strive to have occupational and geographical representation, so  they would like to have a lakefront landowner on the PC.

The PC meets once per month, although occasionally there may be another “special meeting” for a public hearing regarding a site plan review or ordinance update.  They typically try to hold those during regular monthly meetings and haven’t had an “extra” meeting in several years.  They are currently meeting from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm the last Tuesday of each month at the Centerville Township Hall at the corner of Bodus and French Roads from March through October; and the Cedar Area Fire Hall in Cedar during the winter (though starting next year they won’t meet at the Fire Hall).  Members are paid $50/meeting.

The Township Board appoints PC members. Please contact Supervisor Jim Schwantes for more info.  Jim’s phone number is 231-228-7301 and his email is here.  Please have any interested parties contact Jim for more details.

Thank you.

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